Concept Launchpad is a collaboration between David, the engineer, and Josh, the entrepreneur.

”Necessity is the mother of invention”

Josh and David created Concept Launchpad in 2019 with the belief that every person has a great idea in them, but not a way to execute that idea in an affordable, effective way.

In fact, we experienced this ourselves as inventors and entrepreneurs. We began this journey like everyone else, with an idea sketched on the back of an envelope. When we wanted to bring our concept to life however, we discovered just how difficult and expensive it was. From engineering retainers to prototyping fees to manufacturing molds, every step was wrought with complexity and cost.

We’re changing all that with Concept Launchpad, the easiest place to launch great product ideas.
We utilize decades of engineering and go-to-market expertise coupled with the latest advancements in low-cost prototyping to cut costs, accelerate production, and partner for the long term.

Share your idea with us here to get started:
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Our Values


Technology facilitates innovation

Modern tech, when combined with expert experience, allows ideas to come to life like never before.

Good ideas live inside everyone

Big companies don’t have a monopoly on good ideas.

Launching great concepts shouldn’t require big funding

Our long-term partnership model reduces up-front costs, allowing you to actually get that idea into the world.